Text Utilities-operate on text that is selected or in the clipboard
Upper Case - converts the text to upper case.
Lower Case - converts the text to lower case.
Word Caps - starts each word with a capital.
Sentence Caps - starts each sentence with a capital, if the text is already in lower case.
One Space - deletes double spaces from the text.
One CR - deletes double returns from the text.
Tab->4 Spaces - converts one tab to four spaces.
4 Spaces -> Tab - converts four spaces to one tab.
Paragraph Maker - E-mail text often is separated line by line with carriage returns and paragraphs are separated by either two returns or a combination of return and following indentation. Use this tool if you want to retain the paragraph structure and unwrap the text.
Sort Selection - sorts alphanumerically text which is separated by return .
Find and Replace... - Replace allows to replace substrings in a selected text portion.
TextImport... - allows you to open various text formats if the XTND system is installed. If the XTND system is not available, then only plain text can be opened. For plain or styled text it is easier to drag and drop the file on the Palette.